Sunday 20 March 2011

Diet tips issue #3: 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness (Part 11)


Invest In Your Health Now, Don't Pay For It Later
The bonus secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Invest in your health now, don’t pay for it later. Yet another roadblock on the path to life long health and fitness relates to what you’re willing to invest now versus what you’ll pay for later.

And it’s a tricky situation for a lot of people because you don’t really see what the costs of poor health are when you’re younger. It’s always easier to say, well it’s not going to happen to me, or some people just ignore it all together. So they put off making that investment in their health now. But they forget that they’re going to pay for it later, and then some. And I’ve even talked to people who are afraid to spend a couple hundred bucks to improve their health.

These people just don’t get it, and don’t understand the true value of having a lean body at all. They fall into that “talkers” category I mentioned earlier. They probably won’t end up reaching their goals.

Now, besides the fact that investing in your health provides the cosmetic benefits of a lean, strong, and sexy appearance, you’re also setting yourself up for reduced risk of various diseases and medical conditions that have the potential to literally cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars or more depending on your health insurance situation at that time.

Not to mention spending your time to and from the doctor’s office or hospital. And paying for medical costs when you’re older is not what most people are looking forward to as they age. That certainly doesn’t sound like fun to me. So take care of yourself now, while you can create a real difference in your health risks, and do all that you can to prevent unexpected ailments in the future. Invest in your health…don’t pay for it later.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Diet tips issue #3: 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness (Part 10)


Be a Doer, Not a Talker (Or a Know-it-all)
The 7th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Be a doer, not a talker or know it all. The way I see it, there are two kinds of people in this world. You’ve got your talkers, or what I call know it alls. And on the other side of the fence you have your doers. Let’s talk about know it alls first.

I’m going to go ahead and say that most people fall into the talker and know it all group. If you think about the people you know, you’ll probably notice the same thing I have. Most people are not proactive. Most people are reactive. And when it comes to fat loss, fitness or any other subject or discipline, you’ll find loads of people who talk a good game, but do not practice what they preach, because they are not doers.

And the minute you start giving them some advice, they’re quick to stop you to tell you that they know all about what you’re telling them, because they know it all. But wait a minute, why aren’t they doing what they apparently already know and are aware of?

Talkers will also come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they didn’t do something, or why something didn’t work for them. They’ll also tell you why something isn’t going to work for you, because they know it won’t work for them because they just won’t do it!

Now, I know not everybody is not 100% one way or the other on this, and you might be a doer most of the time, but the talker in you likes to take over whenever faced with what seems like a daunting task like burning stubborn body fat. So it all starts with identifying who you are. Take a look at your past and how you naturally responded to various challenges. Think back at how those situations turned out. Did they happen the way you would have liked them to happen? Now, for the ones that didn’t, do you think being more of a doer and shutting down that talker side of your personality would have resulted in a more positive outcome?

Chances are, yes, it would have. Eliminating the talker side of your persona is not always easy…it takes practice and repetition. But being aware of it and being able to identify it when it happens is key, because when it happens…when that talker comes out, you can make the conscious decision to squash that talker and turn on the doer inside.

If you want to get the kind of success in fat loss and fitness that you’ve been seeking, you must become a doer. I cannot stress this enough, because doers are winners…they achieve goals and the things they want…talkers and know it alls are almost always on the losing end. I know where you would rather be. So make up your mind and get going! Be a doer, not a talker.

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