Sunday 27 February 2011

Diet tips issue #3: 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness (Part 9)


Get a Coach or a Mentor
The 6th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: Get a coach or a mentor. Now I know what you’re thinking…”I don’t need a coach or mentor, I can do it by myself”. While that may be true, as I did it myself for the most part, it is always easier and faster when someone shows you the way. I like to compare this with the process of traveling a long distance. Let me explain.

If you wanted to go from New York City to Los Angeles by car, you wouldn’t just get in the car and start driving would you? In essence, that is what many people are doing in their quest for fitness. They are just getting in the car and driving, with a goal in mind, but not much idea on how to get there.

Now, some people go ahead and actually grab a map and follow that. This will certainly help you get there, giving you various roads and avenues to take. But you’ll probably run into a few dead ends along the way. And the journey will take longer than you’d probably like. But what if someone came to you with detailed
instructions on the exact roads to take and what traffic or construction delays to avoid. You most certainly would get there sooner and with less effort.

Finding the right coach or mentor in your quest for permanent fat loss and fitness can be like getting a “Google Maps” to your dream body. And before you go ahead and think you don’t need one of these people in your life, did you know that world champion golfer Tiger Woods has a coach?

The man with the greatest golf swing in the world and on his way to being the greatest golfer in history (if not already) relies on a coach to help him. And surprise surprise, most every successful or famous person has had a mentor or coach at one time or still uses them today. You think Oprah, arguably the most successful business woman in the last 100 years, does it all by herself. What about Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, etc.? All of these people got help and continue to get help to stay at the top of their game.

So think about it, if Tiger Woods and other super successful people need a coach or coaches to excel and reach their goals, shouldn’t you consider having one too? I didn’t invent the principles I teach in my Fat Burning Furnace eBook without first studying under some mentors that laid the groundwork before me. The great news is that it should be a lot easier achieving your life long fat loss and fitness goals then becoming the world’s greatest golfer, so just imagine how much positive impact a coach can bring to you.

Now, this coach or mentor could be a personal trainer who is also emotionally supportive, or it could be a combination of a friend, a relative, or motivational expert. It could also even be someone who supplies you with that system for success like mentioned earlier. Whoever it is, make sure they are accessible to you and will be there to offer the support and encouragement you need. And don’t look for what I call a “softy”. A softy is someone who is too comfortable with you and will let you off easy. These people make terrible coaches. You need some one who can be supportive, but is also there to keep you in line and give you a kick in the pants ever so often if you need it.

There’s no substitute for experience, so you’ll also want to make sure your coach or mentor has been there and done that…not one of these talking heads that has no real experience. You want someone that has either gone through what you’re going through or helped others in similar situations.

You can’t do it alone…at least not as quick or as easy. So go ahead and get yourself a coach…a mentor that you can look to for guidance, support, and encouragement (and that periodic kick in the pants) as you move through to getting the lean, strong, and healthy lifestyle you deserve.

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