Saturday 5 February 2011

Diet tips issue #2: 177 Ways To Reduce And Burn Calories (Part 8, Last part)

(First parts can be seen from previous posts)

176. Here is a quick way to tone up your buttocks while standing. Squeeze muscles in both cheeks tightly, hold the contraction for two seconds. Relax for two seconds then repeat eight to 12 times.

177. Need to strengthen your calves? Stand on a telephone book, a block of wood, a step or a curb. Face toes in the direction of the spine. Hang heels over the edge opposite the spine. For better balance while trying this outdoors, hold a railing or a signpost on at curb. Keeping your back straight, push up onto the balls of your feet while counting for two seconds, hold for another two seconds, then count for four seconds as you lower yourself back down. Tighten up your abdominals and buttocks to help stay balanced.


I’d like to leave you with a few thoughts that may help you on your weight loss journey. At the beginning of this report, we discussed how the words we speak are very powerful and how those words create an attitude.

How often have you used the term, “my weight?” You may have made the comments like these:
“when I lose my weight. . . .”
“My weight doesn’t let me. . .”
“I can’t. . . .because of my weight”

Do see a common thread throughout these statements? Can you make an educated guess at how many times you have said one of them or something similar?

From our earlier discussion, you probably already noticed the “negative” affirmations. . .when. . .doesn’t. . .can’t. . . Read them again more carefully. Do you see the other critical factor in each statement?

Each of those statements re-affirm that you “own” your weight. Therefore, each time you make that comment not only are you re-affirming your current weight, you are pronouncing to the world that you are not willing to let go.

Using a personal pronoun is powerful stuff in and of itself because not only are you claiming ownership, you are training your subconscious mind to believe that you can’t let go.

Starting today. . .right now. . .this very minute, make a conscious decision that you no longer accept ownership of excess weight. You are not what you weigh. You are a unique human being and entitled to all the gifts that this life has to offer.

Now pull out pen and paper and begin your affirmations.

(To be continued)

Diet tips issue #2: 177 Ways To Reduce And Burn Calories (Part 8)

(First parts can be seen from previous posts)

151. If you just have a cold or the flue, wait until all symptoms such as fever, have been gone for two days before you exercise again.

152. Walking is the aerobic exercise of preference if you are over 60. This is because when you walk, the pressure on your joints never rises about 1.5 times your body weight. Jogging, dance or step aerobics can put as much as four times your weight or more on your bones. This is wonderful for younger people, but can put too much strain on the more brittle bones of the elderly.

153. Start your walking exercise by timing yourself. You don’t want to become too tried to make it back home. Check your watch when you begin, and walk around one block over and over until you get a little tired. Check your watch to see how long you have walked. That’s the length that your walks should be for the first week or two. If you get tired on the way home, stop, rest then walk some more.

154. Maintain the same level of exertion for your entire walk. You will be asking your heart to work hard (but not too hard) for your entire session. Your hearts gets the biggest benefit from a sustained workout. If you come to a hill, slow your pace to maintain the same level of exertion that you had on ground level.

155. If the temperature is hot or humid your workout will seem harder. Adjust the speed and intensity so that you stay at the appropriate exertion level.

156. If the temperature soars over 95°F with 80% humidity, limit outside exercise to no more than 30 to 45 minutes.

157. Establish a rhythm to your exercise routine. Using music can help you to do this. The rhythm helps you perform each repetition within a set with the same gusto!

158. Be kind to your feet. Exercise in shoes that were designed for the job or you are giving an open invitation to aches, pains and even stress fractures in your feet and legs.

159. Pick the right kind of shoe. Walking or running shoes absorb the shock of your stride. This is thanks to a slightly elevated heel that also helps to prevent injuries to the leg muscles and tendons.
160. Tennis and other types of athletic shoes absorb the impact of sideways movement and quick turns.

161. Women who typically wear high heels should avoid flat tennis type shoes because the sudden shift in foot position could cause strain.

162. Buy new shoes often. They may last for years, but looks are deceiving. They will lose their shock absorption within just a few months. If you walk fewer than 25 miles a week a new pair is in order every four to six months. If you walk more than 25 miles a week, they should be replaced every two to three months.

163. Examine the patterns in your existing shoes and/or take them along when shopping for new ones. Your wear patterns might help the salesperson pick out the best pair for your feet.

164. To get the best fit wear or bring along the same kind of socks that you will be exercising in. Shop in the afternoon in case your feet swell during the day.

165. After your warm up, exercise for more than 30 minutes per session if you want to lose weight. Otherwise, three 10 minutes sessions per day will protect against disease and a healthier lifestyle.

166. Wear loose fitting clothing that breathes well. You can use layers of clothing to stay warm and dispel perspiration and heat.

167. Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol or other diuretics before or while you exercise.

168. If you are a morning person, exercise after you have been up and about for at least 10 minutes. While sleeping, sometimes fluids can pool throughout your body even in disks in the spinal column, ligaments and muscles. If you get up and immediately begin to exercise, the accumulated fluids can cause major injury such as a herniated disk.

169. Avoid exercise right after eating. Both your intestinal tract and your muscles will need extra blood to function. The conflicting needs of each system may leave you with cramps or a feeling of nausea or faintness. Give you body two hours to complete its digestive duties.

170. If you have diabetes, avoid injecting insulin into a muscle that will soon be used for exercise. Working muscles process insulin differently than nonworking muscles.

171. Learn how much activity is required per hour to burn calories. For instance, one hour of bicycling at 6 miles per hour burns 240 calories; at 12 miles per hour, you will burn 410 calories. Jogging at 5.5 miles per hours burns 740 calories but at just 2 miles per hour more at 7 miles per hour you will burn 920 calories.

172. Walking at just 2 mph, burns 240 calories; increase it to 3 mph and you are burning 320 calories and at 4.5 mph you are burning a whopping 440 calories! *Note that this is based on a healthy 150 pound woman. A lighter person burns fewer calories and a heavier person burns more.

173. Walking need not be a chore. Visit your local museums and art galleries spending time browsing the exhibits. Not only will you add additional exercise with the walk, you’ll improve your mind!

174. Eating a handful of raisins (about 1 ounce) approximately 15 minutes before your workout can significantly lower free radical and the damage they cause. Raisins are rich in antioxidants.

175. In addition to your daily workout here is a simple exercise to do while sitting at your desk, driving or watching television. While seated with back straight, pull your abdominal muscles inward, and lift your chest and rib cage as you exhale. Hold that position four to six seconds then release slowly as you inhale. Repeat eight to 12 times. Try doing this while driving. Change rearview mirror so that it can only be seen when you are sitting straight. Doing this can help you to remember to sit up straight in any chair.

(To be continued)

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