Saturday 5 February 2011

Diet tips issue #2: 177 Ways To Reduce And Burn Calories (Part 8, Last part)

(First parts can be seen from previous posts)

176. Here is a quick way to tone up your buttocks while standing. Squeeze muscles in both cheeks tightly, hold the contraction for two seconds. Relax for two seconds then repeat eight to 12 times.

177. Need to strengthen your calves? Stand on a telephone book, a block of wood, a step or a curb. Face toes in the direction of the spine. Hang heels over the edge opposite the spine. For better balance while trying this outdoors, hold a railing or a signpost on at curb. Keeping your back straight, push up onto the balls of your feet while counting for two seconds, hold for another two seconds, then count for four seconds as you lower yourself back down. Tighten up your abdominals and buttocks to help stay balanced.


I’d like to leave you with a few thoughts that may help you on your weight loss journey. At the beginning of this report, we discussed how the words we speak are very powerful and how those words create an attitude.

How often have you used the term, “my weight?” You may have made the comments like these:
“when I lose my weight. . . .”
“My weight doesn’t let me. . .”
“I can’t. . . .because of my weight”

Do see a common thread throughout these statements? Can you make an educated guess at how many times you have said one of them or something similar?

From our earlier discussion, you probably already noticed the “negative” affirmations. . .when. . .doesn’t. . .can’t. . . Read them again more carefully. Do you see the other critical factor in each statement?

Each of those statements re-affirm that you “own” your weight. Therefore, each time you make that comment not only are you re-affirming your current weight, you are pronouncing to the world that you are not willing to let go.

Using a personal pronoun is powerful stuff in and of itself because not only are you claiming ownership, you are training your subconscious mind to believe that you can’t let go.

Starting today. . .right now. . .this very minute, make a conscious decision that you no longer accept ownership of excess weight. You are not what you weigh. You are a unique human being and entitled to all the gifts that this life has to offer.

Now pull out pen and paper and begin your affirmations.

(To be continued)

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