Thursday 24 February 2011

Diet tips issue #3: 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness (Part 7)


The 4th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: know the numbers. If you don’t know the numbers, you have little chance of success in fat loss and fitness. Let me explain. Just like anything else in life, if you’re not tracking what works and what doesn’t work, you’ll be using a shotgun approach that will take much longer and not work as well as an approach that includes tracking. This is especially important in relation to your exercise and fat loss and fitness progress. Let’s look at the business world again for a moment. In any business, at the end of the day, results are measured by revenue, or the money that was made. If the business owner doesn’t know the numbers, they won’t know if they’ve made any money. And thus they have no business. Pretty simple, but the most powerful metric a business owner can track.

I’m a big NBA basketball fan, but do you think I’d enjoy watching my favorite team if they didn’t keep score? Of course not! If they don’t keep score, we don’t know who’s winning, and thus there is no “game” to win or lose. They have to know their numbers to know who wins and who loses.

Again, strikingly simple, but the fact is that most people don’t track their exercise routines at all. How do they know if they’re winning or losing the fat loss game? In fat loss and fitness it’s all about progression. When using a progressive based form of exercise like properly conducted intense resistance training, your fat loss and muscle, strength, and endurance gain is mirrored by how much stronger you’re getting each workout. And as such, you should base your progress primarily by monitoring your strength gains from workout to workout.

If you don’t know if you’re getting stronger, or how much stronger, you’ll have a tough time advancing through the workouts and creating that fat burning environment inside of your body.

This is because the speed of your progress is related to a combination of the intensity you’re using, along with the volume and frequency of your exercise. By monitoring your progress with a particular combination of these variables, you’ll be able to adjust if necessary for optimal results.

Next, you’ll want track your body fat percentage. Forget about what the scale says or what your “ideal weight” should be. Forget about Body Mass Index charts. These are all measures of weight loss, not FAT LOSS. We don’t want to lose weight, we want to lose fat.

It should then become obvious that tracking the percentage of our bodies that is fat, and watching that number drop, is the other key factor in determining our wins or losses in the fat loss game. (You can do that quickly with the Private Body Fat Analysis web link you received along with this eBooklet at:

So you see, recording your progress is key to getting that lean and fit body you desire and everyone else envies…and if you’re not doing it, you’re using the shotgun approach: just spraying bullets and hoping you hit something. And this always results in the wasting of your most valuable asset…your time.

By doing this you’ll not only be able to watch the inches melt off, but you’ll also be able to use these records as a motivational tool, spurring you on to even further progress…and even inspiring others you care about to do the same. So, bottom line, make sure to keep accurate records of your workouts and your progress. Just like in any business or in sports, you won’t know if you’re winning if you don’t keep score.

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