Friday 25 February 2011

Diet tips issue #3: 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness (Part 8)


Surround Yourself With Positive People
The 5th secret to permanent fat loss and fitness is: surround yourself with positive people. Ok this one is extremely important. Surround yourself with positive people. I can’t stress this enough…and this might hurt your feelings a bit, but your friends and family may be making you fat.

Think about that for a minute. Your mindset, whether you like it or not, is shaped (and often times greatly so) by your outside influencers, the people you choose to associate with, namely your friends and family.

If you’ve got a host of people telling you that you’ll never succeed at your fitness goals, you’ll have a tougher time. Even if you have developed extraordinary mental toughness, the slightest hint of doubt can cloud your mind and let loose all sorts of nasty negative thoughts. And don’t think that these people will be obvious to spot either.

I don’t mean to scare you, but you’ve probably got all sorts of negative people around you right now. Spotting them isn’t always easy, so here are a few of the types of naysayers that I’m talking about:

The Grinch
The Grinch is transparently obvious. They’re the ones that will laugh at your goals and tell you to your face that you’ll never achieve them. These people are usually this way because their own goals have been crushed in the past, don’t know how to get past this, and have just given up on them at this point. They’ve decided to be miserable and you won’t be changing their minds anytime soon.

The Model
Then you’ve got these people that have a superiority complex. I call these the Models. Models find achieving their fitness goals relatively easy, mostly due to genetic or situational factors, and similar to the outright negative people, will laugh off your aspirations. They won’t take you seriously and are more concerned with themselves then supporting your goals too.

The Baby
You’ve also got those that have given up, are fat and out of shape, would rather feel sorry for themselves and want you to be that way too. I call these people the Babies. Babies don’t want you to succeed with your plans because they’ve had so many past failures in their own fat loss goals that they’ve given up. So many times they sabotage your plans, whether they do so knowingly or just by behaving as they normally would. This is basically an unhealthy negative and needy person sucking you into their lifestyle so they have some company. So there you have it…The Grinch, The Model & The Baby. Now you know who to
watch out for.

OK, just as I asked you to evaluate your current lifestyle earlier go ahead and take a look at the people you spend most of your time with. Write their names down on one piece of paper. Are they helping or hurting your efforts for life long fitness and health? Why? If they’re not helping, go ahead and have a discussion with them. Let them know you’re serious about changing for the better and that you don’t have time for negative influences or people anymore. And if they don’t budge, stop associating with them, or greatly reduce your

Now I realize you may have some longstanding relationships with these types of people, and this is not an easy thing to do in some cases. But it’s a choice you should really consider making if you’re serious about living your life in the healthy and lean body you want to.

Where do you want to be in 5 years? Would you rather be in a new lean, strong, and sexy body or still deciding whether or not to rid yourself of communicating with people who are holding you down. You must make decision, or you will be in exactly the same shape (or worse) as you are today.

This reminds me of my favorite quote of all time: If you think you can’t, you can’t, and you won’t. If you think you can, you can, and you will. It’s that simple. If others around you think you can’t, they’ll let you know one way or another, and then it is up to you to shield yourself from this. Or, you can just work on surrounding yourself with positive people, thereby making it much easier on yourself.

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